Application of pleural open drainage and retrograde pleural lavage in treating leakage of thoracic esophageal anastomosis 胸腔开放引流并逆行冲洗治疗食管癌术后胸内吻合口漏
Objective: To evaluate the clinical significance of pleural lavage cytology in patients with bronchiogenic and esophageal carcinoma without pleural effusion. 目的:明确胸膜腔冲洗液细胞学检查(PleuralLavageCytology,PLC)在肺癌、食管癌外科临床中的意义。
Analysis on pleural lavage cytology in patients with esophageal carcinoma 食管癌胸腔冲洗液细胞学检查的结果分析
The positivity of pleural lavage cytology was related to the pathologic stage, cytologic type, tumor size and degree of pleural extension of the tumor. 冲洗液阳性的相关因素包括:病理分期、细胞类型、肿瘤大小、胸膜侵犯程度。
The study of pleural lavage cytology for lung cancer 肺癌胸腔冲洗液细胞学研究
Clinical significance of pleural lavage cytology in patients with bronchiogenic carcinoma 肺癌胸腔冲洗液细胞学检查的临床探讨
The clinical value of pleural lavage cytology during operation for lung cancer 肺癌术中胸腔冲洗液细胞学的临床意义
Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of the study of pleural lavage cytology ( PLC). 目的探讨无胸水肺癌病人胸腔游离癌细胞的存在及相关病理因素,及肺癌胸腔冲洗液细胞学(PLC)研究的临床意义。